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June Ambassador Highlight

Roofnest Team

Feb 22, 2024

Roofnest June Ambassador Highlight, Jeep plowing through mud|Roofnest eagle on jeep 4 door wrangler

Todd Hendrickson

We’re bringing you another Flock Ambassador Highlight, and this month we’re featuring Todd Hendrickson! He’s been a Flock member for two years and we’re excited to show you a little bit of what his world of adventure is like. Check out his Instagram and follow along! @hoptodd

Tell us a little about yourself:

I’m Todd, I’m 52 years old, and I’m the CEO of Aquascape, an ultra-high end swimming pool builder.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Explore as often as possible. I tend to wander when I am traveling alone so I can turn down any random road or trail. Rarely will I look at a map, and many of my favorite campsites were found this way. Once I have scouted out an area I then save the best sites to go back to with friends to further enjoy the area.

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How has Roofnest helped you with your travels?

I have camped and wandered my whole life and have slept in cars, trucks, and tents. I was driving past a local used car dealer and saw my jeep for sale around the end of November 2017 and went in and bought it on a whim. I tried sleeping in the back a few times and was not happy, so I looked online for “jeep camping” and saw people were sleeping in roof top tents. I had actually never heard of them, so I then typed in roof top tents on Craigslist and happened to buy an almost new Roofnest Sparrow. A guy had bought it new and it didn’t fit in his garage. The rest is history. I keep my tent on the jeep year round and have all my gear always packed in the garage. I can depart anytime and go, go, go.  

What’s your favorite part of your Roofnest?

I loved my old Sparrow (and sold it to my brother) but really love the new Sandpiper. I was stoked to get one of the first few. The racks are amazing, and it’s great I can keep my gear on top when the tent is open. Having the tent set up in under 30 seconds lets me explore until I find a spot I love and not worry about picking a semi-ok spot so I have time to unpack an old fashioned ground tent, bedding, etc. It’s a complete game changer. Everywhere I go people want to see the tent and climb in, it’s super cool.

Tell us a quick summary about your most recent favorite trip:

One of my favorite recent trips was down to Death Valley to meet a group of friends for 5 days. I left Northern CA around 5pm, drove until 5am to an area near our 7am meetup, popped up the tent and took a power nap, and then off to our trip kickoff meeting at 7. We then drove about 80 miles a day through the deepest nooks and crannies of Death Valley, camping each night at an epic different location.  We went from high mountains, canyons, and ravines to crazy giant sand dunes. In the end I did 1500 miles in 4 nights/5 days.

Anything else you want our audience to know?

I have seen more of California’s back roads in the last 15 months than I have in my entire life.  A good roof top tent is well worth the investment. My Roofnest has kept me warm, dry, well rested, and safe for all of these adventures. Heavy wind, rain, snow, dust, bugs, critters, creepers: you name it and I have seen it. I won’t ever camp on the ground again. Also, I would say you get what you pay for and buying a cheaper tent will greatly lower your enjoyment and experiences. Do it right the first time and buy a Roofnest!

Look out next month for another ambassador highlight, and above all, reach out to u on Instagram @roofnest if you’d like to be featured!