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How You Can Give Back to the Environment This Year

Roofnest Team

Feb 22, 2024


Feeling a soft-spot for Mother Nature lately? We don’t blame you.

Between hurricane season, the devastating wildfires across the country, and the ongoing destruction of natural habitats around the globe, 2020 was a rough year for the environment.

Scientists have named deforestation for food production and global warming as the 2 most destructive forces impacting our Earth's ecosystems today. It can feel paralyzing to watch so much of the beautiful scenery we know and love continue to disappear.

But while it’s tempting to feel helpless, individual action does make a difference.

There are many ways you can help the environment today to make it a better world for ourselves and our children tomorrow. Small actions add up and can make a meaningful impact on protecting our beautiful forests, oceans, and communities.

Looking to save the environment while also enjoying the wonders of the great outdoors? You can help nurture and restore the environment while keeping your camping game strong with these awesome and easy conservation tips.

Get Involved with a Local Wildfire Organization

It’s been a record-breaking year for wildfires in the West. In addition to following the guidelines provided by our pal Smokey the Bear, you can get involved in your local community to restore and protect our forests from further destruction.

Donate to Fire Funds Have some spare change lying around? Donate your extra coins to a few fire funds this month, and bring life back to forests devasted by destructive wildfires and pine beetles.

You won’t be alone, either. Roofnest recently donated $100 to the Wildland Firefighter Foundation for every tent sold during a 4 week period from October into November 2020, totaling $15,700.

We would love for you to join us in supporting the families of the brave men and women who are injured or lost in the fight to protect our wildlands and communities.


Clear Your Yard No cash? No problem. You can also donate any old wood and pinecones you might have in your yard to a nearby sort yard. Many accept decaying logs, weeds, and branches. Clearing these items from your property can help keep your neighborhood safe from forest fires.

Protect a Park (or Two)

Ready to get your hands dirty? There are many organizations like The Park Project where you can meet like-minded environmental advocates and find ways to get involved in the conservation of your local city or state park.

You can also plant a tree and improve the air quality of your community with groups like The Tree Project, or get your kids involved in environmental programs at the National Park Trust.

Once you’re inspired from helping around your own neighborhood, get ready to make an even bigger impact: You can take a trip with the National Parks Conservation Association to one of the United States’ most beautiful parks, and get a specialized educational tour and learn more about our role in preserving nature.

You can even apply to become a Field Crew Coordinator with The Park Project for your own community and inspire other conservation volunteers. The more individuals involved, the more impact we all can have on the planet.

Shop More Responsibly

There are no shortage of companies taking responsibility for their impact on Mother Earth. You can check out special “Climate Neutral” labels to learn which brands are dedicated to helping the environment, and if they’ve been awarded a carbon neutral certificate.

You can also browse these brands on the Carbon Neutral official website >

Tentree, a company that plants 10 trees for every product sold, has plenty of sustainable and fashionable outdoor gear to peruse for your next camping adventure. And while you’re browsing, add EcoCart to your browser bookmarks. This nifty app gives you the option to make any e-commerce purchase carbon neutral by shipping your goods in more sustainable ways.

Companies like Hydro Flask were just nominated for the 2020 American Park Experience Award, which is exclusively given to brands who are dedicating themselves to raising awareness for public parks and waters. We’ll raise our flasks to that!

Ditch the Plastic

Plastics are harmful for our oceans, air, and soil. Not only do they take an extremely long time to break down (up to 1000 years), but they also threaten local wildlife in the process.

While several states are enforcing plastic bag bans in stores, you can take initiative by bringing your own reusable canvas or cloth bags to your next grocery run. Be sure to skip the bottled water while you’re there, and opt for a reusable bottle instead.

Take-out containers, single-use cups and silverware, straws — you’d be surprised just how reliant we are on plastic for our day-to-day activity.

If you’re looking to kick the plastic habit, try a plastic-free essentials kit that comes with a wide variety of portable containers so you can travel, shop, and eat without ever having to grab a plastic utensil again.

Run the Numbers on Your Carbon Footprint

Here at Roofnest, we want you to enjoy the outdoors. The more we protect our planet, the more adventures you can have out there!

To get an idea of the kind of impact you can make, do the math and calculate your individual carbon footprint. This equation factors in your energy consumption, electricity usage, transportation and more to determine how much of an impact you’re making on the environment.

If you find your footprint is getting too large for comfort, consider cutting out a day of CO2 emission by biking to work a few days a week, or trying out public transportation.

Whether you change your individual consumption, reduce your plastic usage, or get involved in your local community to plant some trees, you can help keep our natural wonders safe and more beautiful than ever.

Camp Safely by Leaving No Trace

We want you to see everything there is to see in this world, and that means leaving it better than you found it for others.

Before you plan your next trip with your Roofnest, take some time to learn the 7 Principles of Leaving No Trace. These are simple and reliable ways to get the most out of nature while respecting it along the way.

You can still enjoy a warm campfire and appreciate local wildlife while following guidelines that protect the environment.

No matter where you find yourself out in the world, there are countless ways to protect and preserve our beloved Mother Nature and keep her beautiful for generations to come.

Check out our tips on how to leave no trace on your next outdoor adventure >