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Skip to content Reviews The Roofnest Sparrow

Roofnest Team

Feb 22, 2024

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Kevin Corrigan, from, and his girlfriend, took our Roofnest Sparrow out on the road for a weekend across Colorado's Front Range.

As an avid climber, Kevin spends countless nights on the road traveling to find the next perfect pitch. Kevin was tired of sleeping on the ground and setting up and breaking down his tent every night. He fantasized about building out a luxury van but realized that it didn't make economic sense.

That is when he entered the rooftop tent world, "providing the comfort of a home on wheels at a relatively reasonable price."

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Overall, Kevin said "the Roofnest Sparrow is a solid option for long weekends, road trips, and anyone who doesn't mind leaving it on their car all the time. At Just $25 a night to sleep on a cush mattress for 100 nights, it's a reasonable price to pay, and thanks to the Sparrow's bomber hard shell design, it should last a lot longer than that."

Check out the full review here.